Osama Mansour Kuzman Mikhaiel

Echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular functional and structural changes in patients with Uncorrected iron deficiency anemia / تقييم التغيرات الوظيفية والعضوية الحادثة في البطين الايمن للقلب لمرضى انيما نقص الحديد قبل تلقيهم العلاج بواسطة جهاز الموجات فوق الصوتية للقلب Osama Mansour Kuzman Mikhaiel ; Supervised Mohamed Roshdy Mohamed , Manal Elhussiny Abofarha , Ghada Sayed Yousef - Cairo : Osama Mansour Kuzman Mikhaiel , 2020 - 100 P . : charts , facsmilies ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine

Rationale: Anemia is a significant challenge in global health. Iron deficiency (ID) is the most prevalent, preventable, and treatable cause of anemia worldwide. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a condition in which iron stores in the body are insufficient to meet the needs of the patient to produce red blood cells. Anemia and ID are common causes of heart failure, both separately and in combination. Anemia is an independent predictor of myocardial damage or subclinical myocardial damage and cardiovascular mortality in the general population. Purpose: The aim of this study is to assess the right ventricular structural and functional changes that may occur in patients suffering from iron deficiency anemia.Methodology: Our study included 43 iron deficiency anemia patients before starting iron therapy and 30 normal persons as a control group. All were consecutively recruited between 2019 and 2020 from Cairo University hospitals. Trans-thoracic Echocardiography was done with special emphasis on the right side of the heart. Other data was collected as: age, sex, height, weight, BSA, full history, examination and investigations (CBC, iron profile, renal and hepatic functions tests). Results: Generally, none of the individuals in this study had abnormal RV dimensional or functional parameters, yet, patients showed bigger basal and mid RV dimensions, RA area and TAPSE and a higher RV thickness and PASP as compared to control group (p-value= 0.007, 0.043, 0.001, 0.007, 0.002, 0.011) respectively. One third of the patients and only one individual from the control group had mild TR. The remaining of both groups had either no or trivial TR

Anemia Iron deficiency Right ventricle