One year exprience in using high frequency oscilltoty mechanical ventilation in Kasr Elaini nicu in the treatment of neonatal respiratory failure /
إستخدام جهاز التنفس الصناعى عالى التردد فى علاج فشل الجهاز التنفسى للأطفال حديثى الولادة فى محضن القصر العينى خلال عام كامل
Rehab Abdelhalim Mohamed ; Supervised Ayman Abdelrahman Elbadawy , Mervat Talaat Zakaria , Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdelrazik
- Cairo : Rehab Abdelhalim Mohamed , 2020
- 129 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Background: Respiratory distress is recognized as any signs of breathing difficulties in neonates. In the early neonatal period respiratory distress is common, occurring in up to 7% of newborn infants, resulting in significant numbers of term-born infants being admitted to neonatal units. Multiple conditions can present with features of respiratory distress. High frequency ventilation (HFV) has proved its unique efficacy in the treatment of acute respiratory distress, when conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV) has demonstrated a limited response. HFV was introduced in clinical practice in the early 1970s.Objectives: The present work aims to study the outcome, complications and advantages and disadvantages of using high frequency ventilation in the management of respiratory distress in neonates. Patient and Methods: We prospectively observed 40 neonates who were admitted in Kasr El-Aini NICU with respiratory distress.This population includes all full term and preterm neonates who developed respiratory distress over the first 24 hours after birth and needed to be mechanically ventilated with high frequency oscillatory ventilator. Results: Died cases had significant lower GA with p value = 0.008 and weight p value = 0.002 as well as higher male frequency p value < 0.001. No significant difference between died and discha₂rged cases regarding clinical findings at birth. Died cases had significant higher incidence of PDA, significant lower initial FiO2 than the final one and significant lower final PO₂. In died cases both final pH and final PCO₂were significantly decreased. Death was associated with GA, weight, sex, PDA, HF start, initial FiO₂ and final PO₂
Diagnostic performance in predicting death High frequency ventilation High frequency ventilation (HFV)