New analytical techniques for both DG hosting and simultaneous with distribution system reconfiguration to reduce electric power loss /
تقنيات تحليلية جديدة لاحتواء التوليد الموزع وتزامنا مع تعديل طبوغرافية شبكات التوزيع لتقليل فقد القدرة الكهربى
Mohamed Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Abdelkader ; Supervised Zeinab H. M. Osman , Mostafa A. Elshahed
- Cairo : Mohamed Ahmed Sayed Ahmed Abdelkader , 2019
- 100 P. : charts ; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electrical Power and Machines
First, this thesis presents a new forward algorithm for balanced three-phase load-flow analysis of active and passive radial distribution networks (RDNs). Second, a successive analytical formula (AF) for system loss reduction to allocate multiple Distributed Generation (DG) units is deduced considering the mutual influence of all DG units.The effects of some operation changes are analytically included. Third, a Pivot for Simultaneous Reconfiguration and DG Hosting (PSRH) is introduced to analytically reduce the system loss based on a proposed Pivot Curve Analytical Tool (PCAT), which utilizes a single power flow run
Distribution system Power flow Power loss reduction