Ahmed Mamdouh Azab

Manufacturing of composite materials used for camouflaging and concealment for UAV (Stealth) / صناعة مواد مركبة تستخدم فى الاخفاء و التمويه للطائرات بدون طيار Ahmed Mamdouh Azab ; Supervised Nabil M. Abdelmonem , Hesham Tantawy - Cairo : Ahmed Mamdouh Azab , 2020 - 66 P. : charts , facimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering

Composite materials used for camouflaging and concealment for unmanned aerial vehicles UAV from radar waves are prepared by using Graphene / polyethylene matrix. Graphene used in the matrix are in the form of chemically reduced graphene oxide RGO or thermally reduced graphene intercalated GI-Th. Characterization are done for both pure graphite G, RGO and GI-Th. Composite polymer matrix is prepared utilizing 0.7 g sample of 10, 20 and 30% mass loading of G, RGO and GI-Th. EM measurements are done by using Network Analyzer device under the frequency range (8-12)GHz to obtain RL and TL of the composites

Composites Preparation Stealth