Rofaida Atef Abbas Ahmad

Clinical assessment of postoperative occlusion In patient with mandibular body fractures Reduced and fixed with computer-assisted polyether ether ketone (peek) custom made plates versus conventional titanium plates : randomized clinical trial / تقييم السريرية للانسداد بعد العملية الجراحية في المريض مع كسور الجسم الفك السفلي خفضت وثابتة باستخدام لوحات مصنوعة خصيصا من البولى ايثركيتون (البيك) بمساعدة الحاسوب مقابل لوحات التيتانيوم التقليدية : التجارب السريرية العشوائية Rofaida Atef Abbas Ahmad ; Supervised Ragia Mohamed Mounir , Khaled Amr Salah Eldein - Cairo : Rofaida Atef Abbas Ahmad , 2020 - 127 P. : charts , facimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine- Department of Oral Surgery

Aim: To compare postoperative occlusion in patient with mandibular body fractures reduced and fixed with computer-assisted Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) custom made plates versus conventional titanium plates (A randomized clinical trial). Methodology: This work was conducted between July 2018 and September 2019. Cases were selected from outpatient clinic in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery department- Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine Cairo University. A total of 16 patients with mandibular body fractures were included in the study. Group I (PEEK) included eight patients whom treated via Open Reduction Internal Fixation using custom made PEEK plates and the other eight patients included in the group II (Titanium) whom treated via Open Reduction Internal Fixation using 2.3 and 2.0 titanium plating system. Results: The postoperative recovery and healing phase were uneventful in all patients. No postoperative complications were observed except in patient number 4 in the group I (PEEK) where wound dehiscence was noted 1 week postoperatively and treated by suspension sutures and irrigation. Moreover, in the same patients, chin paresthesia was noted which was attributed to mental nerve injury. None of the patients included in the study were necessitated second surgical intervention. All patients included in the study enjoyed good postoperative occlusion regarding the mentioned parameters. For different occlusal parameters, there was no significant difference between both groups (p>0.05).The average operative time in the group II (Titanium) (1:01:07±0:05:13) was significantly higher than that of group I (PEEK) (0:52:07±0:04:31) (p=0.002). Recorded distance error was significantly higher in the group II (Titanium) (1.12±0.22) in comparison to the group I (PEEK) (0.34±0.08) (p<0.001)

Conventional titanium plates Mandibular body fractures Reduced Polyether ether ketone (PEEK)