Characterizations of a new polymer-nanocomposite proppant from agro-waste products for hydraulic fracturing operations /
توصيف مادة بوليمر نانونية مركبة مشتقة من المخلفات الزراعية كعامل دعم جديد للاستخدام فى عمليات التكسير الهيدروليكى
Mohammed Mostafa Sayed Mohammed ; Supervised Abdulaziz M. Abdulaziz , Ahmed Mahmoud Yousef
- Cairo : Mohammed Mostafa Sayed Mohammed , 2020
- 66 P . : charts , facsmilies ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Metallurgical Engineering
This research includes an experimental study on the characteristics of a new proppant manufactured from an agro-waste, the rice husk, to act as a possible propping agent in hydraulic fracturing treatment. Polymer Nano-composite particles were added to the rice husk before using in the experiment. In this research, the physical and mechanical properties of the new proppant are studied and a fracture conductivity test is concluded to characterize the performance of the new proppant material. The results from the experiment are compared to the widely known walnut hull proppant (ULW-1.25) and Chemically Modified and Reinforced Composite Proppant (CMRCP). In addition the new polymer nanocomposite proppant characteristics are compared to the established ISO/API standards. These results may lead to a consequent enhancement towards high strength Nanocomposite proppants