Evaluating the effectiveness of the official and the non-official social media brand communication methods on Egyptian females purchase intention /
تقييم فاعلية أساليب الإتصال الرسمية وغير الرسمية عبر مواقع التواصل الإجتماعى فى تشكيل النية الشرائية للمرأة المصرية
Sara Abdelhamid Abdelmomen Emam ; Supervised Aliaa Sami , Eman Soliman
- Cairo : Sara Abdelhamid Abdelmomen Emam , 2020
- 225 Leaves ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Mass Communication - Department of Advertising and Public Relation
This thesis evaluates the effectiveness of social media brand communication on Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE), including brand awareness, brand image, brand attitude, and purchase intention, through official firm-related brand communications on brands' official pages as compared to non-official user-related brand communications through social media users' Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) and Social Media Influencers (SMIs).The study further aims at clarifying the most influential consumer and firm related factors on Egyptian female's behavioural intentions, identifying the motives of following the official and non-official brand communication methods, interaction with brand posts, and characteristics of the most followed social media influencers. Based on the modified brand value chain model, the findings indicate that the non-official brand communication through users' electronic word of mouth is the most followed and influential brand communication method on purchase intention, compared to social media influencers and brands' official pages.The findings also indicate that most Egyptian females are silent followers, and they prefer to follow younger influencers who are interested in fashion, sports, travelling, and visiting new places or those who are familiar with traditional media. Egyptian female's age, working status, past brand experience, a real need to purchase, and visuals of brand posts are the most influential firm-related and consumer-related variables on purchase intention
Effectiveness of the official Egyptian females Non-official social media