Mayada Mohammad Najuib Elsabwa

Augmentation of vase solution with silver nano-particles and essential oils to prolong the life of lilium orientalis L. cv. santander CUT flowers / Lilium orientalis L. cv. Santander دعم محلول الحفظ بجزيئات النانوفضة والزيوت العطرية لإطالة حياة أزهار الليليم المقطوفة Mayada Mohammad Najuib Elsabwa ; Supervised Safia Hamdy Elhanafy , Amal Abdu Nasr , Magda Mahros Kandil - Cairo : Mayada Mohammad Najuib Elsabwa , 2021 - 167 , 17 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Ornamental Horticulture

In a postharvest laboratory experiment, to measure the effectiveness of some eco-friendly or natural substances to extend the vase life of Lilium orientalis L. cv. Santander cut spikes, they were treated with silver nano-particles (SNP) at the concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20 ppm, and essential oils (EOs) of Peppermint, Cumin, Thyme, and Cinnamon at the concentrations of 0, 150 and 200 ælL-1 for each.Two mixtures were also used, one composed of Peppermint oil (150 ælL⁻¹) and Cumin oil (150 ælL⁻¹), and the other composed of Thyme oil (150 ælL⁻¹) and Cinnamon oil (150 ælL⁻¹). This was done in the form of two separate experiments in two consecutive years, 2014 and 2015, between 23rd November and 15th December at the Ornamental Plants and Woody Trees Laboratory at the National Research Centre in Dokki, Giza, Egypt and at the Ornamental Horticulture Dept. at the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza. The results of the first experiment revealed that SNP at the concentration of 2.5 ppm was the most efficient in prolonging the vase life of cut Lilium spikes, maintaining their water balance, increasing the change of weight of cut spikes relative to the fresh weight R.F.W. %, increasing the stalk diameter, decreasing their number of opening florets in the first opening to one floret, delaying the first wilting, prolonging the vase life of the florets, increasing their total carbohydrates content and enhancing the anatomical structure of the stalk end. In the second experiment, it was found that, Thyme oil at the concentration of 200 ælL-1 and Cinnamon oil at the concentration of 150 ælL⁻¹ were the most effective treatments in prolonging the vase life of the lilium cut spikes compared to the control

Cut flowers Lilium orientalis L. Postharvest