MennatAllah Hassan Mohammed Hassan Othman

The paranormal in Shakespeare's Macbeth (1606), Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol (1843) and Steven Spielberg's Minority Report (2002) / الخوارق فى مسرحية "ماكبث" لشكسبير و " ترنيمة عيد الميلاد" لتشارلز ديكنز (1843) و فيلم" تقرير عن الأقلية" لستيفن سبيلبرج(2002 MennatAllah Hassan Mohammed Hassan Othman ; Supervised Amal Mazhar - Cairo : MennatAllah Hassan Mohammed Hassan Othman , 2021 - 207 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.A.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Arts - Department of English

This thesis explores the concept of the paranormal as subjective phenomenon in the works of Macbeth, A Christmas Carol and Minority Report. I examine the conditions preceding the paranormal event, the event itself , its effect on the characters as well as on space and time. Under Carl Jungs theory of Parapsychology, I view the paranormalasSynchronistic and thereby explain how the event takes place within the psyche highlighting its subjectivity. Under Jungs theory of psychoanalysis, I examine the significance of the paranormal events, which is attaining individuation, a state of deep self- awareness.The study also addresses the question of fate versus free will, and reaches the finding that both concepts are complimentary

Christmas Carol (1843) Macbeth (1606) Minority Report (2002)