Advanced studies on fish-borne trematodes with special reference to family : Clinostomatidae in Egypt /
دراسات متقدمة على ديدان التريماتودا التى تنتقل عن طريق الأسماك خاصة عائلة كلينوستوماتيدى فى مصر
Mai Anter Anwar Salem ; Supervised Olfat Anter Mahdy Ahmed , Sahar Zayed Abdelmaogood , Mohammed Ibrahim Abdelsalasm
- Cairo : Mai Anter Anwar Salem , 2021
- 135 P. : charts , facsimiles , photoghraphs ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Department of Parasitology
Fish-borne trematodes (FBT) are extremely important zoonotically and can infect humans via the consumption of poorly cooked fish containing active metacercariae. In this study, samples of wild-caught and farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) collected from Giza and Fayoum, respectively were investigated for the occurrence of FBT. The investigated O. niloticus were found to be infected with different encysted metacercaria (EMC) that were morphologically categorized at the genus level to Prohemistomumspecies, Haplorchis species, Clinostomumcomplanatum, C. phalacrocoracis and Euclinostomumheterostomum respectivelyin Giza and to Pygidiopsisspecies only in Fayoum. The mean prevalence of EMC of Prohemistomumsp.,Haplorchissp., Pygidiopsissp., C. complanatum, C. phalacrocoracisand Euclinostomumheterostomumin both Governoratesin (mean ± SD)were 81.89 ± 6.48, 18.03 ± 2.69, 34.64 ± 3.42, 35.94± 2.24, 60.93± 6.70 and 15.90± 5.17 respectively. Also the study provide the first molecular differentiation between Clinostomum sp., (C.complanatum and C.phalacrocoracis) and Euclinostomumsp. (E.heterostomum) in Egypt by sequencing their rDNA ITS and mtDNA COI and deposited their sequences in the GenBank.The accession numbers of the sequences of mtDNA COI genes of C.complanatum and C.phalacrocoracis and E.heterostomumwere MT140101.1, MT140102.1 and MW193532.1, respectively. Moreover, the accession numbers of rDNA ITS genes were MT133890.1 and MT158303.1 for C.complanatum and C.phalacrocoracis, respectively. Experimental infection of domestic pigeons (Columba liviadomestica) as a definitive host with Prohemistomumsp., Haplorchissp., and Pygidiopsissp. EMC confirmed the successful development of three types of adult digenetic trematodes in their small intestine, which could be identified as P. vivax,H. pumilio, and P. genata
Experimental infection pigeon Fish borne zoonotic trematodes Molecular Analysis