The use of hyaluronic acid fat graft myringoplasty for management of central tympanic membrane perforation under local anesthesia /
استخدام رقعه الدهون وحمض الهيالورونيك فى ترقيع طبلة الأذن لعلاج ثقب طبلة الأذن المركزى تحت تأثير المخدر الموضعى
Hesham Hassanin Abdalhady Tolba ; Supervised Mostafa Mohamed Hammouda , Mohamed Mosleh Ibrahim , Ahmed Mohamed Awad
- Cairo : Hesham Hassanin Abdalhady Tolba , 2021
- 90 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of E.N.T.
Fat graft myringoplasty has been utilized since 1962 as a reliable technique for the closure of small and medium-sized perforations. Studies reported success rates ranging from 76% to 92%. Fat myringoplasty is a simple technique, has a short duration and gives good hearing results (Ozgursoy and Yorulmaz, 2005). Hyaluronic acid has been found to accelerate tympanic membrane perforation closure and shorten the period of healing.Hyaluronic acid is biodegradable, safe and biocompatible in the ear. It improves tympanic membrane wound healing by inducing the production of keratin, which serves as a scaffold for migrating epithelium and preventing dehydration of the perforation margin
Central tympanic membrane Fat graft myringoplast Hyaluronic acid