Physical, mechanical, and durability properties of nano modified limestone cement concrete /
الخصائص الفيزيائية والميكانيكية وديمومة خرسانة أسمنت الحجر الجيرى المعدلة بمواد نانوية
Albraa Kamal Osman Salih ; Supervised Osama Abdelghafour Hodhod
- Cairo : Albraa Kamal Osman Salih , 2021
- 100 P . : charts , photographs ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering
In this study, the effect of silica fume (SF), and nano-silica (NS) addition to portland limestone cement (CEM II\B-L) on mechanical properties (compressive strength, and tensile strength), durability (Permeability, and Elevated temperature resistance). And comparable with ordinary portland cement (CEM I). Pozzolanic materials added as a replacement of cement by 10% of silica fume (SF), and 3% of nano-silica (NS), as blended cement (PLC or OPC SF), and ternary blended cement (PLC or OPC SF -NS). Concrete cubes in which mix, were tested on compressive strength at 7, 28, 56 days, permeability, and elevated temperature resistance at 56 days. Concrete cylinders in which mix, were tested on splitting tensile strength at 56 days. The results of the compressive strength and permeability resistance of Portland limestone cement showed a competitive strength and permeability resistance comparable to ordinary Portland cement in a low w/c ratio