Effect of educational program for prevention of health hazards on poultry processing slaughterhouses workers in Egypt /
تأثير برنامج تعليمى للوقاتية من المخاطر الصحية على عمال المجزر الآلى للدواجن فى مصر
Hanaa Hamad Mohammed Elsaied ; Supervised Effat Elkarmalawy , Afaf Ibrahim
- Cairo : Hanaa Hamad Mohammed Elsaied , 2021
- 177 , (35) Leaves ; 30cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Community Health Nursing
Poultry workers are exposed to a variety of occupational health hazards on a daily basis. The study aimed to assess the effect of educational program for prevention of health hazards on knowledge and self-reported practices of poultry processing slaughterhouses workers in Egypt. A quasi experimental one group pretest- posttest design was utilized. Setting; the study was conducted in large poultry slaughterhouse at El Menofia governorate. A systematic random sample of 306 poultry workers was selected. Two tools were used to collect data, the first is Poultry processing slaughterhouses health hazards questionnaire and the other is an observational checklist for poultry work environment.Results: reveals that 3.4 %, 97.7 % and 88.8% of workers had satisfactory level of knowledge in pre, post and follow up tests respectively.While 2.3%, 96.1% and 91.3% of workers had satisfactory level of self reported practices in pre, post and follow up tests respectively. Moreover 3.6 %, 98.7 % and 72.8% of the workers had positive perception toward occupational health hazards in pre, post and follow up tests respectively. There was a highly statistical significant correlation between workers' knowledge, Health belief scale and self-reported practices (p=0.0001). Study concluded that knowledge, self-reported practices, Health belief model scale among poultry processing slaughterhouse workers had been improved after application of training program with statically significance differences between pre, post and follow up tests. Recommendation: Generating occupational health training programs to increase workers awareness about occupational hazards and safe practices in different slaughterhouses all over the Egyptian community
Occupational hazards Poultry workers and training program Slaughterhouse workers