Effect of laser acupuncture in controlling inflammation in children with parapneumonic effusion /
تأثير الوخز بالليزر على التحكم فى الالتهاب فى الاطفال المصابين بالارتشاح البلورى المصاحب للالتهاب الرئوى
Arwa Gamal Hussieny ; Supervised Manal Salah Eldien Abdelwahab , Amira Bahour Guriguis
- Cairo : Arwa Gamal Hussieny , 2021
- 108 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Physical Therapy - Department of Growth and Developmental Disorders Pediatrics
Background: Parapneumonic effusion is the most common complications of community acquired pneumonia in children. Recently an increase in the incidence and severity of parapneumonic pleural effusion in pediatric populations has been observed. Purpose: this study was conducted to investigate the effect of laser acupuncture in controlling inflammation in children with parapneumonic effusion. Subjects and Methods: Thirty children suffering from parapneumonic effusion, with age ranged from six to twelve years of both sexes participated in the current study.They were divided randomly into 2 groups of equal number. Control group subjected to a conventional chest physical therapy program (CCPTP (and Study group that received the same (CCPTP) in addition to laser acupuncture therapy. Children in both groups were treated of 3 sessions per week for 2 successive months. Each child was evaluated before and after the suggested treatment duration to detect the inflammatory markers, amount of pleural effusion, oxygen saturation, chest expansion and haemoglobin level. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction in C-reactive protein(CRP) and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH), a significant increase of chest expansion and haemoglobin level, a statistically insignificant difference of total white blood cells count(WBCs), Neutrophils count, amount, volume and nature of effusion and oxygen saturation
Community acquired pneumonia Laser acupuncture Parapneumonic Effusion