Treatment of adductus foot deformity by percutaneous mid tarsal osteotomy in children and adolescents /
علاج إعوجاج القدم الداخلى من خلال شق عظمى للقدم من خلال فتحة صغيرة بالجلد فى الأطفال والكبار
Mohamed Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed ; Supervised Atef Hanna , Mohamed Mahmoud Hegazy , Amr Arafa
- Cairo : Mohamed Ahmed Mahmoud Ahmed , 2021
- 73 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Orthopaedics Surgery
Twenty patients met our inclusion criteria, their mean age was 7.5 (±1.9) and 75% were males. Risk factors for the deformity were residual adductus post talipes (90.0%) or isolated metatarsus adductus (10.0%). Mean operation time was 24.25 (±4.6) with a significant improvement in the metatarsus adductus angle from 28.8± 2.4 to 11.8± 2.1(P value= 0.0001).The mean hospital stay was 1 ± 0 days and only three cases had cast pressure necrosis on the skin, skin necrosis and under correction. Mean duration to return to normal walking was 11.9 (±2.3) Risk factors for the deformity did not affect surgery outcomes regarding preoperative angle (P value= 0.67) , operation time (P value= 0.58), postoperative angle (P value= 0.44) and return to normal walking. (P value= 0.12)