Heba Awad Ibrahim Ali

Staff nurses perception of power and its relation to job satisfaction at selected hospital's ministry of health / العلاقة بين إدراك الممرضين للقوة والرضا الوظيفى فى مستشفى مختارة بوزارة الصحة Heba Awad Ibrahim Ali , Supervised Fatma Ahmed Abed , Amal Hobashy Elewa - Cairo : Heba Awad Ibrahim Ali , 2020 - 83 , (40) Leaves ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Nursing - Department of Nursing Services Administration

Power in nursing is crucial, a nurse act as strategic planner, a human resources expert, risk manager, high quality expert and should be able to understand the complexities of clinical areas power that helps nurses to hold opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge creatively. On the other hand, a powerful nurse can also increase power of patients and clients which has a positive impact on patients sense of power and health outcomes will be better, nursing power means the ability to use resources to achieve desirable goals or outcomes, conceptualized power as the application of knowledge to implement autonomy or effectiveness (Bradbury, Jones et al, 2015). Nurse's job satisfaction presents a challenge to the every health-care institution, especially in times of economic and social distress, which has a direct or indirect influence on health-care delivery systems and considered one major predictor of nursing turnover in case of dissatisfaction it is defined as the fulfillment of desired demands in work settings happiness or gratifying emotional responses to working conditions and job value or equity (Liu et al., 2016, and Poghosyan, Liu, Shang, & DAunno, 2017)

Job satisfaction Power Staff nurses