Ultrasound guided transmuscular quadratus lumboram block versus fascia iliaca block in pediatric patient undergoing develpomental dysplasia of hip surgery : Randomized comparative trial /
استخدام السونار فى تخدير العضله الرباعيه القطنيه عبر العضلى بالمقارنه بتخدير اللفافه الحرقفيه اثناء الجراحه فى االطفال بخلل النسيج التنموى بالفخد : دراسه مقارنه عشوائيه
Lydia Magdy Milad ; Supervised Karim Kamal Fahim Girgis , Sherif Mohamed Soaida , Mohamed Ahmed Selim
- Cairo : Lydia Magdy Milad , 2021
- 38 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
The fascia iliaca (FI) block anesthetizes various types of the femoral nerve (FN), lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN), and obturator nerve (ON) and is effective for many painful hip procedures, causing it potentially valuable for analgesia throughout Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH) surgery (4,5) The ultrasound-guided quadratus lumborum (QL) block is a fairly recent local anesthetic process that provides perioperative somatic, perhaps even visceral, analgesia for patients of all ages, including kids, performing gastrointestinal or hip surgery.The expectation is that an anaesthetic injected close into the quadrates lumborum muscle could disperse medially and cranially under the diaphragm's crura and arcuate ligaments, and into the thoracic paravertebral space (PVS). (6)There's many distinct approaches to the QLM that are clearly recognized: lateral, posterior, and anterior (trans muscular quadratus lumborum block) (7) A research shows that local anesthetics delivered via the QL block dispersed caudally down, including the L2, L3 dermatomes(8)
Fascia iliaca block Guadratus lumborum (QL) Transmuscular Quadratus lumboram block