Enhancement of electric vehicles integration in residential distribution sector /
تعزيز تكامل المركبات الكهربائية فى قطاع التوزيع السكنى
Galal Fathy Abdelaal Ahmed ; Supervised Mahmoud Ibrahim Gilany , Mostafa Ahmed Elshahed , Aboulfotoh Abdelreheem Mohamed
- Cairo : Galal Fathy Abdelaal Ahmed , 2021
- 91 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm
Thesis Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electrical Power and Machines
Environmental issues and energy crisis encourage the transition of conventional fuel-based vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs). Consequently, the participation of EVs is expected to grow in the existing distribution grids. As this technology is growing up, charging activities of EVs arise as an extra consumption added to the existing load of the distribution network. Accordingly, the uncoordinated charging activities of EVs may lead to an increase in the stress on the distribution networks.Thus, coordination of EVs charging activities is the perfect way to avoid the negative consequences of unscheduled charging activities without reinforcing the existing network infrastructure.This research is devoted to study and find solutions to the effects associated with EVs integration in residential communities. Proposed solutions are applied in residential communities from two perspectives.The first one is the effect of aggregated home charging activities of the EVs fleet on the whole distribution network in terms of main substation overloading, network power losses, and system voltage deviations. The other perspective is the effect of EV integration on a single house and the relevant effects associated with the charging and discharging processes on the household load demand and total daily energy cost
Charging Coordination Electric Vehicles Uncoordinated Charging