Abdelwanes Anter Abdelaziz Ali

Phytochemical and biological studies on ceiba insignis and ceiba speciosa / دراسات فيتوكيميائية وبيولوجية على سيبا انسجنيز وسيبا سبيسيوسا Abdelwanes Anter Abdelaziz Ali ; Supervised Nehal Mohamed Elwan , Magda Ahmad Abdallah , Mona Abdelmotagally Mohamed - Cairo : Abdelwanes Anter Abdelaziz Ali , 2021 - 167 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Organic Chemistry

Different solvent extracts from leaves of Ceiba speciosa (C.s) and Ceiba insignis (C.i) were evaluated for their biological and chemical activities, showed a moderate toxicity against HepG2 in; C.s petroleum ether, C.s ethyl acetate, C.s dichloromethane, C.i methanol, C.i butanol, and C.i dichloromethane, while weak-toxicity in, C.s butanol, C.s methanol, C.i petroleum ether and C.i water and non-toxicity in C.s water, C.i ethyl acetate extracts. Moreover, high antimicrobial activities were showed in C.s dichloromethane, C.s petroleum ether, C.i methanol, C.i dichloromethane, C.i petroleum ether, and C.i ethyl acetate, while a moderate antimicrobial activities were showed in C.s methanol, C.s ethyl acetate extracts, and low antimicrobial activities were showed in C.s butanol, C.s water, C.i butanol and C.i water. On the other hand, a strong antioxidant activities were recorded within ; C.s dichloromethane, C.s methanol, C.s ethyl acetate, C.i petroleum ether, C.i dichloromethane, while the least antioxidant activity was recorded within C.s water and C.i ethyl acetate. Moreover, HPLC-finger print analysis is done for all extracts. Also, chemical isolation and identification is carried on butanol extracts of each plant and led to seven isolated pure compounds

Antimicrobial Antioxidant (DPPH) Bombacaceae