Nermen Sameh Abdelmenem

Accuracy of CBCT 3D and 2D images in dental arch space analysis : A diagnostic accuracy study / دقة التصوير المقطعى بالحاسوب مخروطى الشعاع فى الصور ثلاثية وثنائية الابعاد فى تحليل مساحة القوس السنية : دراسة للدقة التشخيصية Nermen Sameh Abdelmenem ; Supervised Mushira M. Dahaba , Farid Medhat Farid - Cairo : Nermen Sameh Abdelmenem , 2021 - 129 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral (Radiology and Diagnosis)

Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate the accuracy and reliability of CBCT obtained 3D and 2D images in dental arch space analysis. Methodology: A total number of 12 maxillary and mandibular plaster models (6 maxilla and 6 mandible) and their corresponding CBCT scans from 6 patients were used. On each plaster model, 16 different measurements were selected and measured using the digital caliper and considered to be the gold standard. The same measurements were measured using the corresponding 2D & 3D CBCT direct digital models obtained from CBCT scanning of the participant patients using the Planmeca Promax 3D MID CBCT machine.This data was then analyzed by OnDemand3D third party software. Results: There was an excellent to good agreement between the 2D & 3D CBCT obtained direct digital model measurements and real measurements in the whole study sample.Also, the difference between 2D & 3D CBCT measurements and real measurements was statistically and clinically NonSignificant except in the required space 3D CBCT measurement but this difference was higher in the 3D CBCT measurements.There was an overall underestimation tendency in the mean 3D CBCT linear measurements regarding most of study sample

2D images CBCT 3D Dental arch space analysis