Ionising radiation dose calculation for the realse of I¹³¹ during accident conditions for materials test reactor /
حسابات الجرع الاشعاعية المؤينة لانطلاق اليود 131 الناتج من حالات الحوادث لمفاعل اختيار المواد
Mahmoud Ramadan Mohamed Mahmoud Aboeross ; Supervised Esmat Hanem Amin , Abdallah AbdelSalam Mohamed , Wafaa Osman Bahr
- Cairo : Mahmoud Ramadan Mohamed Mahmoud Aboeross , 2021
- 79 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Physics
The doses and dose rates following a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) in Material Test Reactor MTR reactor have been studied. MTR reactor is an open water pool reactor type. The water pool serves as a shield from radioactive radiations. The most serious accident in this type of reactor is the Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) due to rupture either of a primary coolant pipe or of any experimental beam tube. In the present work it has been assumed that pool water drains out due to double ended rupture of the tangential irradiation beam tube (TIC) which has a diameter 150 mm. For an operating power level of 22 MW, the equilibrium core would enter into melting conditions if the pool drain time is less than one hour. It was also assumed that Emergency Core Cooling System (chimney water injection system and siphon effect breaker) were not working. Therefore conservatively a severe damage (~80%) is expected to occur to the core, either by a core uncover situation following extended boiling operation, or by a core covered situation with extended boiling
I¹³¹ Materials test reacto Radiation dose calculation