The effectiveness of ferric carboxymaltose in the management of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women /
مدى فعالية كاربوكسى مالتوز الحديديك فى علاج فقر الدم الناتج عن نقص الحديد لدى السيدات من الحوامل
Marwa Hosni Hafez Elhamaky ; Supervised Farouk Shoeib , Noura Anwar
- Cairo : Marwa Hosni Hafez Elhamaky , 2021
- 55 Leaves : charts ; 30cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research - Department of Biostatistics and Demography
A retrospective study to evaluate the efficacy, tolerability and safety of iron injections in the management of anemia in pregnant women This study addresses any female at increased risk of iron deficiency anemia, which means she will not have enough red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen and iron to the body's tissues. This can affect how cells in nerves and muscles work. Iron deficiency is one of the most prevalent nutritional problems in the world. However, iron deficiency can have many effects, and it can even lead to death. The research methodology was based on evaluating the efficacy and safety of iron injections in the treatment of anemia in pregnant women Data were obtained from patient records charts in one hospital. All women who received at least one dose of iron injection during the second or third trimester of pregnancy were from the start of the study and vice versa for two years. Eligibility criteria considered patients age, timing of drug dose, level of anemia, freedom from blood diseases, and drug overdose. Thesis includes four chapters: Chapter one: Knowledge of anemia, its causes, symptoms, prevalence, and severity.Chapter two: the research problem, aim and criteria for selecting the sample Chapter three: analysis of the study data Chapter Four: Conclusions and Recommendations