Yahia Hasan Alslibi

Utilization of agro-industrial by-products in ruminants feeding / الإستفادة من مخلفات التصنيع الزراعى فى تغذية المجترات Yahia Hasan Alslibi ; Supervised Abdelrahman Mahmoud Abdelgawad , Mohamed Ahmed Hanafy , Adel Eid Mohamed Mahmoud - Cairo : Yahia Hasan Alslibi , 2021 - 107 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Animal Production

This study aimed to investigate the effects of usage dried agro-industrial by-products (citrus pulp, beet pulp and tomato pomace) without or with fibrolytic enzyme as a replacement to wheat bran in lactating buffalos diets on milk yield and composition (major components, fatty acids), nutrients digestibility, nutritive value, and blood metabolites.Ten lactating Egyptian buffaloes at second or third season of lactation were divided into five groups (n=10) to fed five experimental rations (concentrate to roughage was 50:50 on DM basis). Clover 80% and wheat straw 20% were used as sources of roughage for all groups.The experimental rations were: R1(control) concentrate feed mixture (CFM1) contains 20% wheat bran + roughage, R2; concentrate feed mixture (CFM2) replacement wheat bran 50% dried tomato pomace (DTP)and 50% dried citrus pulp (DCP) + roughage, R3; concentrate feed mixture as in CFM2 with 15 gram/head /day fibrolytic enzyme + roughage, R4; concentrate feed mixture (CFM3) replacement wheat bran 50% dried tomato pomace (DTP)and 50% dried beet pulp (DBP) + roughage ,R5; concentrate feed mixture as in CFM3 with 15 gram/head /day fibrolytic enzyme + roughage.Results indicated different effects of tested by-products on nutrients digestibility and nutritive values comparing with control ration. The values of DM, OM, CF, NDF and ADF were high in the control group R1.The apparent digestibility of hemicellulose recorded higher value with R5 and R4 followed by R2, R1and R3. Animals fed control ration R1 recorded higher significant value TDN compared other rations. Digestible crude protein was significantly (p<0.05) higher for buffaloes fed R3 and R4 compared with others. There was significant difference in actual milk yield and fat corrected milk among treatments

Beet pulp Citrus pulp Tomato pomace