Mohamed Abdelmoneim Salim Mostafa

Role of fluorine-18 labelled psma pet/ct Imaging in prostatic cancer patients with biochemical recurrence / دور التصوير بالمسح البوزيترونى بإستخذام مادة الفلورين لتشخيص الإرتذاد البيوكيميائى فى مرضى أورام البروستاتا Mohamed Abdel Moneim Salim Mostafa ; Supervised Tamer Wahid Mahmoud Kassem , Amr Abdelfattah Hassan Gadalla , Nahla Dessoki Alsayed Alsayed - Cairo : Mohamed Abdelmoneim Salim Mostafa , 2021 - 98 P . : charts , facsmilies ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis

Men with localized prostate cancer are given the choice of curative treatment (localized therapy, prostatectomy, and/or radical radiation therapy) with the goal of curing the disease, but up to 32% of patients will experience biochemical recurrence within 10 years (2). Although PSA is a sensitive indicator of disease recurrence, it is critical to distinguish between local and systemic recurrence as soon as possible. For nodal disease, conventional imaging with pelvic MR imaging and contrast enhanced CT is limited. In biochemical recurrence, bone scans have limited detection rates, especially at low PSA levels (3).The diagnostic limitations of CT, MRI and bone scan imaging modalities have prompted the adoption of positron emission tomography (PET). Initially, PET/CT studies employed choline or FDGbased tracers. These tracers showed limits, notably in the early phases of metastatic spread or biochemical recurrence, despite the preliminary results being optimistic


Fluorine-18 Prostatic cancer