Intimate partner violence against woman during covid-19 pandemic in outpatient clinics in cairo university hospitals /
العنف الاسرى ضد السيدات خلال جائحة الكورونا فى العيادات الخارجية بمستشفيات جامعة القاهرة
Radwa Barakat Mohamed Saleh ; Supervised Marwa Mostafa Saeed , Marwa Diaaeldeen Abbass
- Cairo : Radwa Barakat Mohamed Saleh , 2021
- 110 P . : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Family medicine
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of domestic violence during COVID-19 pandemic. Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is prevalent worldwide. It results in bad physical and psychological consequences. Although the impact of physical abuse may be more visible, psychological scarring is harder to define and report. Materials & Methods: The study was a cross-sectional descriptive in which 250 married women attending outpatient family medicine & COVID-19 clinics of Cairo University's Hospitals. Results: The study revealed that the overall prevalence of intimate partner violence among the studied group was (44.4%).More than half (54.8%) reported that she alone or she & her husband were infected, (50.5%) of women abused were from those she or her husband lost their jobs due to COVID19, More than half of women (63.1%) abused whether she alone or she & her husband were infected, and More than half of them (70%) were slightly agree to their infection by COVID19 leads to increase in IPV.Conclusion:The findings indicate that COVID-19 Pandemic &its circumstances increase the prevalence of IPV
COVID-19 Pandemic
Intimate partner violence Quarantine Women victims