Ahmed Mohammad Fakher Eldein Ali Eldeib

The effectiveness of using flipped learning to Improve reading skills for primary school students with learning disabilities In kingdom of bahrain / أثر استخدام استراتيجية التعليم المعكوس على تنمية مهارات القراءة لطلاب صعوبات التعلم بالمرحلة الابتدائية بمملكة البحرين Ahmed Mohammad Fakher Eldein Ali ; Supervised Nabil Gad Azmi , Mohamed Elsayed Elnaggar - Cairo : Ahmed Mohammad Fakher Eldein Ali , 2022 - 236 P . charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Educational Studies - Department of Education E- Learning Technology

This research investigated the effectiveness of using flipped learning to improve reading skills for primary school students with learning disabilities in Kingdom of Bahrain. The number of participants in this research were 27 fourth grade students with Moderate Learning Disabilities.These students are identified for special education as Moderate Learning Disabilities by MOE according to a set of diagnostic tests.They usually attend in the regular classroom with additional support.The participants were assigned to an experiment group. The period of applying the research was 14 weeks in the second semester of the academic year (2020-2021).The instruments were reading program designed by the researcher, a pre/post reading test. The test was adopted from Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy, 2007The pre/post-test was analysed using statistical analysis SPSS, the (Black) Modifies Gain Ratio, Paired Sample t-test and Eta squared formula. The findings revealed significant differences at 0.05 level between the pre/post-test of English reading skills with the experiment group in favour of the post-test. As a result, the reading skills for students with learning disabilities were developed by using flipped learning

Primary school students

English reading skills Flipped learning Student with learning disabilities