Comparative Study Of Epidemiological, Radiological And Clinico-Pathological Features Of Breast Cancer Among Egyptian Females Of Different Age Groups /
دراسة مقارنة للسمات الوبائية والإشعاعية والمرضية لسرطان الثدي بين الإناث المصريات من مختلف الفئات العمرية
Salma Moustafa Ali ; Supervised Rasha Mohammed Kamal , Amany Mohamed Helal , Maher Hassan Ibrahim
- Cairo : Salma Moustafa Ali , 2021
- 118 P . : charts,facsmilies,photographs ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of medicine - Department of Radiodiagnosis
CLINICAL BACKGROUND: Breast cancer in younger women appears to be more progressed and aggressive than breast cancer in older women, according to many studies. Younger women are more likely than older women to present with a palpable mass, higher tumour sizes, more invasive malignancies, and positive lymph nodes. They're more likely than breast cancers in older women to be higher grade, hormone receptor negative, poorly differentiated, have more lymphovascular invasion, and overexpress human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2). OBJECTIVES: The goal of this study was to compare the epidemiological, radiological, and clinic-pathological aspects of breast cancer in Egyptian females of various ages. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Analysis of medical records from patients treated at our facility between 2015 and 2020 identified 1280 women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. 202 (15.8%) of the patients were under the age of 40, while 1078 (84.2%) were between the ages of 40 and 60.All females underwent demographic and clinical data collecting, anthropometric measurements, radiographic examinations, US guided biopsies evaluation, histological assessment, as well as surgical and other therapeutic strategies. RESULTS: in both examined age groups, the most common clinical presentation was a palpable lump, the most common histological type was IDC with grades ranging from II-III, and the most common molecular subtype was Luminal A. The most prevalent BMI in both age groups was 30. Young age groups are more commonly nulliparous and the prevalence of being never breastfed was higher. They experienced more negative Estrogen receptors and more Her-2 positive receptors. They underwent more evidence of mastectomy operations rather than BCS. They also show more multiple lesions on pathological examination. In both age groups, the most prevalent tumour size was T1 according to TNM , on mammography/US examination the most prevalent shape was irregular and most prevalent margin was indistinct. Enhancing masses were most common in CESM and MRI with heterogeneous enhancement patterns.CONCLUSION: Because breast cancer diagnosis can be difficult in young patients, imaging evaluation of breast lesions should only be done by a trained professional, and if there is a strong suspicion of BC, a triple assessment (clinical examination, imaging, and cytological/histological confirmation) should be performed. Because younger women (under 40 years old) with an average breast cancer risk do not receive routine mammography screening, they are more likely to present with symptomatic and advanced breast cancer than those detected through a screening study.In symptomatic young women under the age of 35, sonography is considered the first-line examination. Many studies suggest that breast cancer in younger women is more advanced and more aggressive than breast cancers in older women
Breast cancer
Clinico-Pathology Egyptian women Epidemgiology,Radiology