Role of measuring fetal lung volume, Pulmonary artery Doppler indices and placental grading in prediction of respiratory distress syndrome in pregestational diabetic patients /
دور قياس حجم الرئة و مؤشرات الشريان الرئوي بالدوبلر و درجة نمو المشيمة في توقع حدوث متلازمة ضيق التنفس الوليدي في مرضى السكر ما قبل الحمل
Yasmine Hassaan Mohamed ; Supervised Gamal Gamal Eldin Youssef , Hala Abdelwehab Abdellatif , Mohamed Ahmed Bahaa Eldin
- Cairo : Yasmine Hassaan Mohamed , 2022
- 163 P . : Charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics
Respiratory distress syndrome in neonates is primarily a disease of prematureneonates caused by deficiency in pulmonary surfactant; results in pulmonary insufficiency beginning soon after birth (EuropeanConsensus Guidelines, 2017). Risk of neonatal RDS diminishes as gestational age of the fetus increases, because the lungs are the final fetal organs to functionally mature. Therefore, neonatal RDS is considered to be a disease of premature newborns (Aynalem, Y. al., 2020). Also referred to as surfactant deficiency disorder; previously referred to as hyaline membrane disease (Aldana-Aguirre et al.,2017). Preterm birth can occur after spontaneous onset of labor with or without preterm rupture of membranes; however, preterm deliveries are sometimes initiated by physicians. Deliveries can be accidentally preterm because of gestational