Central venous catheter techniques in infants and children /
طرق تركيب القسطرة الوريدية المركزية فى الاطفال من سن (1 - 12) سنه واقل من سنه
Joseph Makram Botros ; Suppervised Wafaa Mohammed Elsadek , Maha Gamil Hanna , Maha Mohammed Ismail
- Cairo : Joseph Makram Botros , 2005
- 93P : ill ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Anaesthesia
Central venous catheter insertion in pediatrics is a major process and requires high degree of experienceSites for access include internal jugular vein , external jugular vein , subclavian vein , femoral vein , and other influent veinsMany techniques are described and special techniques are also described as traslumbar , transhepatic , gonadal , and umbilical venous approachMany complications are encountered that may be life threatening
anesthesia Central venous catheter techniques Children Complication infection intensive pediatrics thrombosis ultrasound