Hazem Abd El sattar Abd El maksoud

Early treatment with lithium in acute stageof severe stress a new therapeutic strategy in shock and traumatic disorders / الاستراتيجية الجديدة للعلاج بعقار الليثيوم فى مرضى الصدمة العصبية و الاصابات المتعددة فى الرعايات المركزة Hazem Abd El sattar Abd El maksoud ; Supervised Sanaa Abd El kareem Helmy , Mona Salem Khaleil , Sahar Sayed Badawi - Cairo : Hazem Abd El - Sattar Abd El - Maksoud , 2006 - 158P : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Anaesthesia

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the third case of death among 150000 deaths in United States , each year TBI patients are at high risk for disabilities , and patients who survive after TBI are more impaired than other trauma cohortsAirway management especially with associated cervical spine injury , or aspiration pneumonitis , is an essential topicHyperventilation , proper oxygenation , poisoning , dehydrating therapy are all primary therapeutic lines helping to cure the head traumatic victimAbdominal , orthopedic , and chest trauma should be excluded , and if any of which , is diagnosed , assessed

Strategy Therapeutic Traumatic