Mangement of a pregnant patient undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass /
العناية بالمريضة الحامل اثناء جراحة القلب باستخدام جهاز القلب الصناعى
Ahmed Hussein Mohamed Enan ; Supervised Hoda Sad Eldeen Hafez , Hossam Salah Elashmawy , Sadeia Fathi Mohamed Mosa
- Cairo : Ahmed Hussein Mohamed Enan , 2004
- 70 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
Despite the fall in the incidence of cardiac disease during pregnancy over the last 25 years , when a cardiac surgery is required the risk is obviously greater as two lives are at riskThe risk to the mother is now similar to that for non - pregnant female patient but the fetal mortality remains high
Cardiac Surgery during Pregnancy Cardiopulmonary Bypass