Ahmed Mohammed Abdelhamid Soliman

Prevalence of biliary lithiasis in chronic renal failure patients / معدل انتشار الحصوات المرارية في مرضي الفشل الكلوي Ahmed Mohammed Abdelhamid Soliman ; Supervised Omar Yehia Elkhashab , Hatem Mohammed Elazizy , Mohammed Mostafa Elkhatib - Cairo : Ahmed Mohammed Abdelhamid Soliman , 2008 - 147P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Internal Medicine

Early recognition and prompt intervention are the most crucial step in the management of gallstone - induced biliary disease. (Manssor Ahmed et.al. , 2000) gall ston formation is the primary underlying disease that , results in gall bladder - related illnesses.

Biliary lithiasis Chronic renal failuye