
Your search returned 23 results.

Biology [electronic resource] / Bibliotheque Alexandrie by Series: HORZONS
Material type: Computer file Computer file; Format: electronic sound disc
Publication details: Alexandria : Bibliotheque Alexandrie : 2012-
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الوسائط المتعددة - الدور الثالث: Not for loan (6)Location, call number: 570 S481b c.1 B.A. M.M, ...

Bibliotheca Alexandrina : past , present and future = Le passe , present et futur [electronic resource] / Bibliotheca Alexandrina. by
Material type: Computer file Computer file; Format: electronic sound disc; Audience: General;
Language: English, French
Publication details: Alexandria : Bibliotheca Alexandrina , [201-?]
Other title:
  • Le passe , present et futur
  • past , present and future
Availability: No items available.

50 centuries of Science [Computer File] / Bibliotheque Alexandrie؛by Ismail Serageldin. by Series: HORZONS: Exploration in Science Old and New
Material type: Computer file Computer file; Format: electronic sound disc
Publication details: Alexandria : Bibliotheque Alexandrie: 2012
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الوسائط المتعددة - الدور الثالث: Not for loan (2)Location, call number: 932 A11181 v.1 B.A. M.M., ...
