
Your search returned 2 results.

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Floris Jespers / Par Gaston Burssens. [Reproductions, with an introductory essay and a portrait.]. by Series: Monographies de l'art belge
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Anvers, Edite par De Sikkel pour le Ministere de l'instruction publique [1956, c1955]
Availability: Items available for loan: قاعة الثقاقات الاجنبية - الدور الثالث (1)Location, call number: 743.42 J581b Fre..

Image from OpenLibrary
Poem̀es / Gaston Burssens; trd. par Jacqueline Ballman. by Series: Poet̀es ne{u00B4}erlandais
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Poetry
Publication details: Bruxelles : Fagne, c1985
Availability: Items available for loan: قاعة الثقاقات الاجنبية - الدور الثالث (1)Location, call number: 841.912 B9728p Fre..