
Your search returned 6 results.

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Valve surgery in childhood and adolescence / Waleed Gamal Eldin Orabi Abousenna ; Supervised Mohamed Anwar Ibrahim Balbaa , Hesham Abdelfatah Shawky , Tarek Helmy by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Waleed Gamal Eldin Orabi Abousenna , 1999
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Cardiothoracic Surgery
Other title:
  • العلاج الجراحى لامراض صمامات القلب اثناء مرحلة الطفولة و مرحلة حديثى البلوغ
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.05.Ph.D.1999.Wa.V.

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Medico - legal aspects of halluncinogens abuse / Ahmed Anwar Ibrahim Ezzy ; Supervised Nadia Abdelmonem Kotb , Amani Mohamed Fahmy Hanoon , Alaa Mohamed Mahmoud Shehab by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Ahmed Anwar Ibrahim Ezzy , 2010
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Forensic Medicine Toxicology
Other title:
  • المظاهر الطبية الشرعية لاستخدام المهلوسات
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.13.M.Sc.2010.Ah.M. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.13.M.Sc.2010.Ah.M.

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Air distribution systems in aircraft cabins / Ramy Anwar Ibrahim Abdelmaksoud ; Supervised Essam E. Khalil , Ahmed A. Medhat , Waleed A. Abdelmaksoud by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Ramy Anwar Ibrahim Abdelmaksoud , 2015
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Mechanical Power Engineering
Other title:
  • نظم توزيع الهواء بكبائن الطائرة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.11.M.Sc.2015.Ra.A. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.11.M.Sc.2015.Ra.A.

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The potential effect of doxycycline versus pregabalin on neuropathic pain in streptozotocin induced diabetes in rats / Dina Anwar Ibrahim ; Supervised Eman Abdelmonem Abdelrasheed , Olfat Gamil Shaker , Magdy Ishak Attallah by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Dina Anwar Ibrahim , 2018
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pharmacology
Other title:
  • التاثير المحتمل لدواء الدوكسيسيكلين مقارنة بالبريجابالين على الالم الاختلالى العصبى الناتج من مرض السكر المحدث بالستربتوزوتوسين فى الجرذان
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.29.M.Sc.2018.Di.P. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.29.M.Sc.2018.Di.P.

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Evatuation of patients with mitral value repair during annuloplasty with versus without ring / Mohamed Saad Hagras ; Supervised Moustafa Mohamed Radwan , Mohamed Anwar Ibrahim Balba , Mohamed Fathey Elashkar by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Mohamed Saad Hagras , 1998
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis
Other title:
  • تقييم النتائج الجراحية لتصليح الصمام الميترالى مستخدماً الحلقات الصناعية أو بدون الحلقات الصناعية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.06.Ph.D.1998.Mo.E.

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Emerging trends in Southeast Asia / with contributions from Anwar Ibrahim ... [et al.] ; Yang Razali Kassim, editor. by Series: Strategic currents
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: Singapore : S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2009
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for loan: قاعة الثقاقات الاجنبية - الدور الثالث (1)Location, call number: 341.2473 E535 Acc..