
Your search returned 14 results.

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Targeted therapy in breast cancer / Shaza Abdelsadik Abdelkrim ; Supervised Salah Eldin Mohammed Elmesidy , Mohammed Mahmoud Moussa , Wesam Abdallah Elshrif by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: eng
Publication details: Cairo : Shaza Abdelsadik Abdelkrim , 2009
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc .) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Oncology(Clinical)
Other title:
  • العلاج الموجه لسرطان الثدى
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.23.M.Sc.2009.Sh.T. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.23.M.Sc.2009.Sh.T.

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Human epidermal growth factor receptor HER-2/neu oncoprotein in breast cancer / Mai Hamed Mohammed Kamel ; Supervised Fatma Ahmed Fathi Elmougy , Marianne Samir Makboul , Ahmed Mostafa Ahmed Mahmoud by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Mai Hamed Mohamed Kamel , 2009
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Clinical and Chemical Pathology
Other title:
  • البروتين السرطانى المستقبل لعامل نمو البشرة الآدمية فى سرطان الثدى
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.07.M.Sc.2009.Ma.H. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.07.M.Sc.2009.Ma.H.

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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) gene polymorphism as a risk factor for development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in chronic liver disease patients / Huda Ramadan Reyad Abass ; Supervised Emad Zaki Abass , Gamal Eldein Esmat Mohamed , Ghada Mahmoud Abdelaziz by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Huda Ramadan Reyad Abass , 2011
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Medical Biochemistry
Other title:
  • التعدد الشكلى لجين معامل نمو الأدمة وكونه عامل خطورة فى نمو سرطان الكبد فى مرضى الكبد المزمن
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.03.M.Sc.2011.Hu.E. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.03.M.Sc.2011.Hu.E.

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Association of comorbids and chronic complications and diabetic foot / Mohammed Abdelghafar Salim Tolba ; Supervised Ibrahim Nagiub Elebrashy , Mona Ahmed Radwan , Mary Nabil Nagiub by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Mohammed Abdelghafar Salim Tolba , 2012
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Internal Medicine
Other title:
  • الأمراض و المشاكل الصحيه المزمنه المرتبطه بالقدم السكرى
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.18.M.Sc.2012.Mo.A. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.18.M.Sc.2012.Mo.A.

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Role of epidermal growth factor receptor in malignant pleural mesothelioma and its value for successful chemical pleurodesis / Yasmine Hamdy Elhinnawy ; Supervised Ahmed Elhosainy Aly , Hossam Hosny Masoud , Samia Mohamed Gabal by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Yasmine Hamdy Elhinnawy , 2013
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Chest Diseasas and Tuberculosis
Other title:
  • دور مستقبلات معامل النمو القشر الجلدى فى الميزوثليوما البلورية الخبيثة و قيمته فى إنجاح الالحام الكيمائى للغشاء البلورى
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.06.Ph.D.2013.Ya.R. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.06.Ph.D.2013.Ya.R.

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Therapeutic effect of laser irradiation and / or epidermal growth factor against cisplatin induced renal failure : Experimental study / Shady Ali Galal Ramadan Elfouly ; Supervised Kawser Nazmi Kassab , Amal Ibrahim Hassan , Mohamed Soliman Khater by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Shady Ali Galal Ramadan Elfouly , 2014
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - National Institute of Laser Enhanced Science - Department of Laser Application in Environmental Metrology Photochemistry and Agriculture
Other title:
  • التأثير العلاجى للتشعيع بالليزر مع او بدون عامل نمو البشرة ضد الفشل الكلوى الحاد الناتج عن السيسبلاتين : دراسة تجريبية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.24.05.M.Sc.2014.Sh.T. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.24.05.M.Sc.2014.Sh.T.

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Design and synthesis of novel quinaziline derivatives as potential dual EGFR/NF- кB inhibitors / Sarah Sameh Fayez Mohamed Darwish ; Supervised Ashraf H. Abadi , Mostafa Hamed by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Sarah Sameh Fayez Mohamed Darwish , 2014
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Garman University - Faculty of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research - Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الثقاقات الاجنبية - الدور الثالث: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.34.M.Sc.2014.Sa.D.

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Evaluation of the role of Epidermal growth factor and Transforming growth factor Beta in the eruption mechanism of lower incisor in albino rats at different stages of eruption : An animal study / Aml Mostafa Kamal ; Supervised Samia Mostafa Kamal , Rehab Ali Abdelmoneim by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Aml Mostafa Kamal , 2017
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral Biology
Other title:
  • معرفة تاثير عامل نمو البشرة وعامل النمو المحول بيتا في الية البزوغ للقاطع السفلي للجرذان البيضاء في المراحل المختلفة من البزوغ : دراسة فى الحيوانات
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.09.12.M.Sc.2017.Am.E. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.09.12.M.Sc.2017.Am.E.

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Comparison between the efficacy of autologous monotherapy platelet rich plasma vs. long pulsed nd-yag laser 1064nm in treatment of acne vulgaris : Split face study / Menatalla Hesham Attia ; Supervised Eman Shaarawy , Marwa Safwat Elhawary by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Menatalla Hesham Attia , 2020
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Dermatology and Venerology
Other title:
  • دراسة مقارنة بين فعالية البلازما الذاتية الغنية بالصفائح الدموية مقابل ال ان دي ياج ليزر طويل النبضة في علاج حب الشباب
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.10.M.Sc.2020.Me.C. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.11.10.M.Sc.2020.Me.C.

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Mutation patterns of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) gene in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) of Egyptian patients / Mona Mahmoud Qenawi Farrag ; Supervised Salwa Farouk Sabet , Heba Bassiony Atwa , Wafaa Hassan Elmetnawy by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Mona Mahmoud Qenawi Farrag , 2020
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Zoology
Other title:
  • أنماط الطفرات لجين مستقبلات عامل نمو البشرة فى سرطان الرئة ذى الخلايا غير الصغيرة للمرضى المصريين
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.21.M.Sc.2020.Mo.M. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.21.M.Sc.2020.Mo.M.

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The effect of epidermal growth factor on the submandibular salivary glands of albino rats receiving doxorubicin / Mohamed Hamdy Sayed Mansy ; Supervied Malak Mohamed Soliman , Rabab Tawfeek Mubarak by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Mohamed Hamdy Sayed Mansy , 2020
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department of Oral Biology
Other title:
  • تأثير عامل نمو البشرة على الغدد اللعابية تحت الفكية فى الفئران البيضاء المزودة بعقار الدوكسوروبيسين
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.09.12.Ph.D.2020.Mo.E. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.09.12.Ph.D.2020.Mo.E.

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Design, synthesis and biological screening of novel quinazoline and pyrrolotriazine derivatives as potent HER-2 and VEGFR-2 inhibitors / Tamer Abdellatif Abdelrhman Elwaie ; Supervised Safinaz E. Abbas , Riham F. George , Hamed Ismail Ali by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Tamer Abdellatif Abdelrhman Elwaie , 2021
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Other title:
  • VEGFR2 وال HER-2 تصميم وتشييد ومسح بيولوجى لمشتقات جديدة من الكينازولين والبيرولوتريازين كمثبطات فعالة لل
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.05.Ph.D.2021.Ta.D. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.05.Ph.D.2021.Ta.D.

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Pharmacological study of the efficacy of a drug targeting oxidative stress signaling in experimentally-induced Alzheimer{u2019}s disease in rats / Heba Mohamed Mohamed Mansour ; Supervised Mahmoud M. Khattab , Aiman S. El-Khatib , Hala M. Fawzy by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Heba Mohamed Mohamed Mansour , 2021
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Other title:
  • دراسة دوائية عن كفاءة دواء يستهدف الكرب التأكسدى فى مرض الزهايمر المحدث تجريبيا فى الجرذان
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.09.M.Sc.2021.He.P. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.09.M.Sc.2021.He.P.

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E - cadherin catenin complex and epidermal growth factor receptor as diagnostic markers in different oral epithelial tumours / Aiman Satte Sarraj ; Supervised Sawsan Naguib Abd El bary , Mona Ezzat Wali by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Aiman Satte Sarraj , 2003
Dissertation note: Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Oral and Dental Medicine - Department Of Oral Pathology
Other title:
  • مركب ال اى كادهرين مع الكاتنين ومستقبلات عامل النمو البشروى كدلائل تشخيصية فى مختلف الاورام الفموية البشروية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.09.04.Ph.D.2003.Ai.E. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.09.04.Ph.D.2003.Ai.E.