
Your search returned 5 results.

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Effects of low doses of fast neutrons on the biophysical biochemical properties of blood of rats injected with gamma - ray - protector / Nabila Sayed Mahmoud Selim ; Supervised Fadel M.Aly , Amin Elbehay , Hoda A.Ashry by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Nabila Sayed Mahmoud Selim , 1998
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Biophysics
Other title:
  • تاثير الجرعات المنخفضة من النيوترونات السريعة على الخواص البيوفيزيائية - البيوكيميائية لدم الفئران المحقونة بواقى من اشعة جاما
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Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.04.Ph.D.1998.Na.E.

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Gamma - Ray spectrometry in relation to the petrology , tectonics and mineralization of late proterozoic rocks between latitudes 26 15' - 26 40' N and longitudes 33 15' - 33 50' E , Egypt / Adel Zein Elabedein Abolyazeed Bishta ; Supervised H.T.Abuzeid , A.A.Abdelmeguid by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Adel Zein Elabedein Abolyazeed Bishta , 1999
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Geology
Other title:
  • الخصائص الاشعاعية الطيفية وعلاقتها ببترولوجية وتكتونية وتمعدن صخور البروتيروزوى المتاخر بين خطى عرض 15 - 26 - 40 26 شمالا وطول15 33 - 50 33 شرقا - مصر
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.15.Ph.D.1999.Ad.G.

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Genetic analysis of gamma - ray - induced sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) mutants / Shereen AbuElmaaty Mohammed ; Supervised Hashem Ahmed Hussein , Ebtissam Hussein Aly Hussein by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Shereen AbuElmaaty Mohammed , 2005
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Genetics
Other title:
  • التحليل الوراثى لطوافر السمسم المستحدثة باشعة جاما
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Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.07.10.M.Sc.2005.Sh.G.. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.07.10.M.Sc.2005.Sh.G..

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Induced variability in morphological and reproductive characteristics of (physalis ixocarpa brot. ) by radiation / Engy Alaa Seleem Mahmoud ; Supervised Fayza Hussein Nofal , Mohamed Usama Elsegai , Mahasen Abdelhakim by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Engy Alaa Seleem Mahmoud , 2011
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Agricultural Botany
Other title:
  • استخدام التباين فى الصفات المورفوجية والانتاجية لنبات الحرنكش (physalis ixocarpa brot.) باستخدام الاشعاع
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.07.05.M.Sc.2011.En.I. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.07.05.M.Sc.2011.En.I.

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Integration study of magnetic and airborne gamma - ray spectrometric data for geological, mineralization and environmental application of G. Mizraiya, South West Sinai, Egypt / Osama Ahmed Zaki Mohamed ; Supervised Sharaf Eldin Mahmud , Atef Ali Mahmud Ismail by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Osama Ahmed Zaki Mohamed , 2013
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Geophysics
Other title:
  • دراسة متكاملة لبيانات المسح المغناطيسى و الاشعاعى الجيمى الطيفى الجوى لخدمة الاغراض الجيولوجية: التمعدنية و البيئة لمنطقة جبل ميزرايا: جنوب غرب سيناء: مصر
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.16.M.Sc.2013.Os.I. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.16.M.Sc.2013.Os.I.