
Your search returned 11 results.

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Synthesis of some derivatives of thiadlazoles pyrazolo[5 , 1 - c]triazines and pyrrolo[1 , 2 - a]benzimidazoles with expected biological activity / Shereen Abdelaziz Amer ; Supervised Mohamed M.M.Sallam , Abdou O.Abdelhamid , Salwa M.Dogheim by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Shereen Abdelaziz Amer , 2000
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد بعض مشتقات الثياديازول و البيرازولو[5 : 1 - جـ]ترايازين وبيرولو[1 : 2 - ا]بنزاميدازول ذات النشاط البيولوجى المتوقع
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2000.Sh.S.

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Studies on functionally substituted enamines simple and efficient routes to polyfunctionally substituted heteroaromatics / Mohamed Sayed Mohamed Bekheit ; Supervised Abdelatif Mohamed Salah Eldin , Elham Sayed Darwish by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Mohamed Sayed Mohamed Bekheit , 2008
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • دراسات على مشتقات الاينامينات : طرق بسيطة و فعالة لتحضير مشتقات عديدة المجموعات الوظيفية المستبدلة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2008.Mo.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2008.Mo.S.

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Synthesis, Radioprotective and anticancer activity of some novel pyrazolo [3,4-d] pyrimidines / Sarah Ahmed Mohamed Aboulmagd ; Supervised Fatma Abdelfattah Ragab , Mostafa Mohamed Soliman Ghorab by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: eng
Publication details: Cairo : Sarah Ahmed Mohamed Aboulmagd , 2009
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد وتحضير بعض مركبات البيرازولو (4.3-د) بيريميدين الجديدة كمضادات الاورام السرطانية وكواقيات من الاشعاع
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.05.M.Sc.2009.Sa.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.05.M.Sc.2009.Sa.S.

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Synthesis and reactions of some new organic compounds rich with nitrogen and / or oxygen / Sayed Mohamed Tawfiek Mohamed ; Supervised Abdou Osman Abdelhamid , Shokry Abdelsamie Shokry by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Sayed Mohamed Tawfiek Mohamed , 2010
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد وتفاعلات بعض المركبات العضوية الجديدة الغنية بعنصر النيتروجين و / او الأوكسجين
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2010.Sa.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2010.Sa.S.

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Synthesis and reactions of some thiophen derivatives under microwave and thermal conditions / Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Salem ; Supervised Ahmed M. Farag , Tayseer A. Abdallah , Mohamed R. Shaaban by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Mostafa Elsayed Ahmed Salem , 2011
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد وتفاعلات بعض مشتقات ثيوفين تحت تأثير الميكروويف والظروف الحرارية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2011.Mo.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2011.Mo.S.

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Synthesis and reactions of some heterocycles of expected biological activity / Selima Ali Amhamed Almabrook ; Supervised Nazmi A. Kassab , Magda A. Abdallah , Nadia H. Metwally by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Selima Ali Amhamed Almabrook , 2010
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد وتفاعلات بعض المركبات غير المتجانسة الحلقة ذات الفاعلية البيولوجية المتوقعة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2010.Se.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2010.Se.S.

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Synthesis of some fused pyrazolopyrimidine derivatives with antiumor activity / Ahmed Thabet Hamza Negm Eldin ; Supervised Manal Mostafa Hassan Kandeel , Lamia Wagdy Mohamed , Mohammed Kamal Abdelhamid by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Ahmed Thabet Hamza Negm Eldin , 2011
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد مركبات بيرازولوبيريميدين كمضادات للأورام
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.04.M.Sc.2011.Ah.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.04.M.Sc.2011.Ah.S.

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Synthesis of some new azoles and azines and their fused derivatives / Ahmed Maher Mohamed Salem Nada ; Supervised Abdou Osman Abdelhamid , Sami Said Mostafa by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Ahmed Maher Mohamed Salem Nada , 2011
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد بعض الأزولات والأزينات ومدمجاتها الجديدة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2011.Ah.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.12.10.M.Sc.2011.Ah.S.

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Synthesis of some pyrazolo [3, 4-d] pyrimidin-4 (5H)-one derivatives of expected action on erectile dysfunction / Ali Hassan Ali Hammad ; Supervised Mohamed A. Shaaban , Khaled O. Ahmed , Yaseen A. M. M. Elshaier by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Ali Hassan Ali Hammad , 2017
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد بعض مشتقات مركبات البيرازَولو (٤،٣-د) بيريمدين-٤-أَن: المتوقع لها تأثيرا فى علاج الضعف الجىسّى
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.04.M.Sc.2017.Al.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.04.M.Sc.2017.Al.S.

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Synthesis of some fused pyrazolopyrimidine derivatives with expected anticancer activity / Mai Maher Mahmoud Hanafi ; Supervised Ashraf Fouad Alboray Zaher , Asmaa Elsayed Abdellatief Kassab , Zeinab Mohamed Fahmy Abdelbaky Mahmoud by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Mai Maher Mahmoud Hanafi , 2018
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Organic Chemistry
Other title:
  • تشييد بعض مشتقات البيرازولو بيريميدين الملتحمة ذات تأثير متوقع مضاد للسرطان
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.04.M.Sc.2018.Ma.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.04.M.Sc.2018.Ma.S.

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Synthesis of certain pyrazolo [ 3,4-d ] pyrimidine derivatives of expected anticancer activity / By Radwa Gamal Sayed Farag; Supervision Hanan Hassan Kadry; Rasha Ahmed Mahmoud Hassan; Rana Hosny Refaey. by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: 2022
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.)-Cairo University,2022.
Other title:
  • تشييد بعض مشتقات البيرازولوبيريميدين ذات نشاط متوقع ضد السرطان
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.08.04.M.Sc.2022.Ra.S.