MicroRNAs as predictive biomarkers to the response to IFN therapy in chronic HCV patients /
Zeinab Ahmed Nour
MicroRNAs as predictive biomarkers to the response to IFN therapy in chronic HCV patients / الحمض الريبونيوكليوتيدي الدقيق كمتنبئات دلالات حيوية للاستجابة للعلاج بالانترفيرون في مرضي الالتهاب الكبدي الوبائي "سي Zeinab Ahmed Nour ; Supervised Yasser Hussein Nassar , Olfat Gamil Shaker , Samar Ali Marzouk - Cairo : Zeinab Ahmed Nour , 2015 - 111 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Medical Biochemistry
Background&Aims: In this work we aim to measure the miRNAs (-122, miR-155, miR-199a, miR-483) fold changes in sera of HCV patients genotype 4 before receiving Peg-INFÜ and ribavarin treatment and to find the association between these microRNAs levels and HCV to be used as potential predictive factors to the response to treatment as well as new biomarkers for HCV patients. Results: A significant statistical difference between responders and non- responders to Peg-IFN therapy of HCV patients regarding the expression of miRNA-122 and miRNA-155. The miRNA-199a and miRNA-483 showed high specificity and sensitivity by ROC curve. Positive correlations have been found between miRNAs-122, -155, 199a and -483, with a very strong positive correlation between miRNAs-155 and -199a, as well as between miRNAs-483 and -199a. Conclusion: miRNA-122 and miRNA -155 can serve as a possible baseline predictors of response to PegINF/RBV therapy. The expression profile of serum miRNA-483 and miR-199a can serve as novel non-invasive biomarkers for the diagnosis of HCV infection as upregulated miRNA-483 and downregulated miRNA-199a in the serum.
HCV IFN therapy MicroRNAs
MicroRNAs as predictive biomarkers to the response to IFN therapy in chronic HCV patients / الحمض الريبونيوكليوتيدي الدقيق كمتنبئات دلالات حيوية للاستجابة للعلاج بالانترفيرون في مرضي الالتهاب الكبدي الوبائي "سي Zeinab Ahmed Nour ; Supervised Yasser Hussein Nassar , Olfat Gamil Shaker , Samar Ali Marzouk - Cairo : Zeinab Ahmed Nour , 2015 - 111 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Medical Biochemistry
Background&Aims: In this work we aim to measure the miRNAs (-122, miR-155, miR-199a, miR-483) fold changes in sera of HCV patients genotype 4 before receiving Peg-INFÜ and ribavarin treatment and to find the association between these microRNAs levels and HCV to be used as potential predictive factors to the response to treatment as well as new biomarkers for HCV patients. Results: A significant statistical difference between responders and non- responders to Peg-IFN therapy of HCV patients regarding the expression of miRNA-122 and miRNA-155. The miRNA-199a and miRNA-483 showed high specificity and sensitivity by ROC curve. Positive correlations have been found between miRNAs-122, -155, 199a and -483, with a very strong positive correlation between miRNAs-155 and -199a, as well as between miRNAs-483 and -199a. Conclusion: miRNA-122 and miRNA -155 can serve as a possible baseline predictors of response to PegINF/RBV therapy. The expression profile of serum miRNA-483 and miR-199a can serve as novel non-invasive biomarkers for the diagnosis of HCV infection as upregulated miRNA-483 and downregulated miRNA-199a in the serum.
HCV IFN therapy MicroRNAs