Comparative study on the therapeutic effect of atorvastatin and stem cells on amiodarone induced lung injury in male rat /
Samaa Samir Ibrahim Kamar
Comparative study on the therapeutic effect of atorvastatin and stem cells on amiodarone induced lung injury in male rat / دراسة مقارنة على التأثير العلاجى لعقارالأتورفاستاتين و الخلايا الجذعية فى إصابة الرئة المستحدثة بالأميودارون فى ذكر الجرذ Samaa Samir Ibrahim Kamar ; Supervised Gihan Ibrahim AboulFotouh , Maha Baligh Zickri , Hala Gabr Metwally - Cairo : Samaa Samir Ibrahim Kamar , 2016 - 212 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Histology
The present study aimed at investigating and comparing the possible therapeutic effect of atorvastatin (ator) and human adipose derived stem cells (hADSCs) on amiodarone (AM)-induced lung injury in albino rat. Thirty four adult male albino rats weighing 200 gm were divided into: Gp I (Control group) of 8 rats, 2 given saline, 2 given tween 80, 2 given saline and tween 80 and the last 2 injected with phosphate buffer saline and sacrificed with the corresponding experimental groups. Gp II (ator group) of 6 rats, each received 10 mg/kg ator dissolved in 0.5 ml of saline orally 6 d/ w for 4 ws. The rats were sacrificed 4 ws following the drug cessation. Gp III (AM group) of 8 rats, each received AM at a dose of 30 mg/kg orally 6 d/ w for 4 ws. 2 rats were sacrificed at the end of 4 ws for the confirmation of lung damage by examination. The other 6 rats were sacrificed 4 ws following the drug cessation. Gp IV (AM and ator group): 6 rats were given AM in the same dose, by the same route as in Gp III for the first 4 ws. Then, the animals were given ator in the same dose, by the same route as in Gp II for the next 4 ws. At the end of the 8 ws the rats were sacrificed. Gp V (AM and SCs group): 6 rats were given AM in the same dose, by the same route as in Gp III for 4 ws. Then, they were injected with 0.5 ml of cultured and labeled hADSCs suspended in PBS on 2 successive days in the tail vein following confirmation of lung injury. The rats were sacrificed 4 ws following stem cell therapy. Histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, morphometric and statistical studies were performed. Group II revealed picture nearly similar to that of Gp I. Gp III revealed patchy distribution of variable parenchymal changes. Partially obliterated lumen of some bronchioles, occasionally completely distorted ones, few projections of the lining epithelium, detachment of some projections, shed cellular debris were seen and some of the lining cells constituted dark nuclei. Mononuclear aggregates were detected in the adventitia of bronchi extending to the lumen and between the bronchi compressing alveoli and alveolar sacs. Occasional bronchi were filled with multiple leucocytes
Atorvastatin Human ADSCs Lung
Comparative study on the therapeutic effect of atorvastatin and stem cells on amiodarone induced lung injury in male rat / دراسة مقارنة على التأثير العلاجى لعقارالأتورفاستاتين و الخلايا الجذعية فى إصابة الرئة المستحدثة بالأميودارون فى ذكر الجرذ Samaa Samir Ibrahim Kamar ; Supervised Gihan Ibrahim AboulFotouh , Maha Baligh Zickri , Hala Gabr Metwally - Cairo : Samaa Samir Ibrahim Kamar , 2016 - 212 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Histology
The present study aimed at investigating and comparing the possible therapeutic effect of atorvastatin (ator) and human adipose derived stem cells (hADSCs) on amiodarone (AM)-induced lung injury in albino rat. Thirty four adult male albino rats weighing 200 gm were divided into: Gp I (Control group) of 8 rats, 2 given saline, 2 given tween 80, 2 given saline and tween 80 and the last 2 injected with phosphate buffer saline and sacrificed with the corresponding experimental groups. Gp II (ator group) of 6 rats, each received 10 mg/kg ator dissolved in 0.5 ml of saline orally 6 d/ w for 4 ws. The rats were sacrificed 4 ws following the drug cessation. Gp III (AM group) of 8 rats, each received AM at a dose of 30 mg/kg orally 6 d/ w for 4 ws. 2 rats were sacrificed at the end of 4 ws for the confirmation of lung damage by examination. The other 6 rats were sacrificed 4 ws following the drug cessation. Gp IV (AM and ator group): 6 rats were given AM in the same dose, by the same route as in Gp III for the first 4 ws. Then, the animals were given ator in the same dose, by the same route as in Gp II for the next 4 ws. At the end of the 8 ws the rats were sacrificed. Gp V (AM and SCs group): 6 rats were given AM in the same dose, by the same route as in Gp III for 4 ws. Then, they were injected with 0.5 ml of cultured and labeled hADSCs suspended in PBS on 2 successive days in the tail vein following confirmation of lung injury. The rats were sacrificed 4 ws following stem cell therapy. Histological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, morphometric and statistical studies were performed. Group II revealed picture nearly similar to that of Gp I. Gp III revealed patchy distribution of variable parenchymal changes. Partially obliterated lumen of some bronchioles, occasionally completely distorted ones, few projections of the lining epithelium, detachment of some projections, shed cellular debris were seen and some of the lining cells constituted dark nuclei. Mononuclear aggregates were detected in the adventitia of bronchi extending to the lumen and between the bronchi compressing alveoli and alveolar sacs. Occasional bronchi were filled with multiple leucocytes
Atorvastatin Human ADSCs Lung