
Evaluation of prospective ameliorative effect of red alga, Actinotrichia fragilis, on experimentally osteoarthritic rats /

Shimaa Ahmed Sadek

Evaluation of prospective ameliorative effect of red alga, Actinotrichia fragilis, on experimentally osteoarthritic rats / تقييم التأثير التحسيني المحتمل للطحلب الأحمر (أكتينوتريكيا فراجيليس) علي الجرذان المصابة بالتهاب مفاصل العظام التجريبى Shimaa Ahmed Sadek ; Supervised Mohamed Marzouk Mohamed , Amel Mahmoud Soliman , Amany Ahmed Sayed - Cairo : Shimaa Ahmed Sadek , 2017 - 290 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Science - Department of Zoology

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease characterized by progression of articular cartilage destruction. Current treatment strategies for OA are effective for symptoms relief but recent findings have shown that their long term utilization is associated with adverse side effects. Thus, natural alternative treatment for the cessation of OA disease is urgently needed. Thereby, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of Actinotrichia fragilis, a red marine alga, in the powder form (AFP, 200 mg/kg body weight) and gel form (AFG, 200 mg/kg body weight) for both preventive and curative purposes against osteoarthritis induced by ovariectomy in rats. The effectiveness of AFP and AFG was compared with glucosamine as a standard antiosteoarthritic drug. The chemical screening of AFP and AFG revealed the presence of various active constituents such as phenolic compounds and sulphated glycosaminoglycan (GAG). Furthermore, the present study revealed the presence of various amino acid contents in AFP and AFG. Additionally, the ongoing study disclosed that AFP or AFG is inflammatory-proteinase-oxidant inhibitor and considered to be safe according to the OECD toxicity test. The current results recorded significant increase in body and thymus weights and significant decrease in uterus and vaginal weights. Ovariectomy induced OA was assessed biochemically by the increase in the levels of serum CTX II, GAG, IL-1Ý, MMP-1, MMP-13, CTX II/PIINP ratio, TALP, total cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, a decrease in serum PIINP and BALP activity was revealed in comparison with the sham group. Meanwhile, ovariectomy induced an oxidative stress, which evidenced by a significant increase in knee MDA, NO levels and SOD ratio as well as significant reduction in knee GSH, SOD, CAT, GPx and GR contents as compared to the corresponding values of sham group

Osteoarthritis Actinotrichia fragilis Red algae