
Using visualization-based strategy to develop engineering students{u2019} ESP reading comprehension skills : Action research /

Marwa Mohammad Abdulaziz

Using visualization-based strategy to develop engineering students ESP reading comprehension skills : Action research / بأستخدام بحوث الفعل ESP فعالية استراتيجية التصور البصرى فى تنمية مهارات الفهم القرائى لدى طلاب كلية الهندسة Marwa Mohammad Abdulaziz ; Supervised Awatef Ali Sheir , Mohammad Refaat Hassanein - Cairo : Marwa Mohammad Abdulaziz , 2018 - 100 P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Graduate Studies for Education - Department of Higher Continuous Education

This study investigated the effect of using visualizing strategy to develop reading comprehension skills (scanning and skimming skills) for ESP students in Shoubra Engineering Faculty, Benha University. By using action research as a method of applying the study, the study should be designed in a frame of a spiral research concerned of researcher instructor and participants students. The participants of the study consisted of (N=190) from three different departments; Surveying, Power Electrical, and Communication Electrical Departments, in the first year. Surveying of reading strategies questionnaire (SORS), Individual Interviews, and reading comprehension pre-post-test were used as data collection instruments of the study. Although, implementing skimming and scanning needs a long period of time and practices, the teacher successfully employed Visualization strategy to help in teaching reading comprehension skills. The result of the study revealed that the visualization strategy had the highest effect on developing the reading comprehension skills Communication Electrical students' scanning, skimming skills and total score of the test. While, Power Electrical students had better effect than Surveying students in scanning and the total scores of the reading comprehension test

ESP Reading comprehension skills Visualization strategy