
Your search returned 8 results.

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reliable multicasting in wireless mobile multihop AD HOC networks / Ahmed Adel Sobeih ; Supervised Hassan Fahmy , Hoda Anis Baraka by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Ahmed Adel Sobeih , 2002
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Computer Engineering
Other title:
  • الاتصال الجماعى الموثوق فى الشبكات اللاسلكية المتحركة عديمة البنية التحتية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.06.M.Sc.2002.Ah.R.

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Reducing memory requirements in secure broadcast protocols in WSN / Arafat Elasyed AbdelMobdy Hegazy ; Supervised Ahmed M.Darwish , Raafat Elfouly by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Arafat Elayed Abdel Mobdy Hegazy , 2007
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Computer Engineering
Other title:
  • تقليل احتياجات الذاكرة لبروتوكولات البث الامن على شبكات الاستشعار اللاسلكية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.06.M.Sc.2007.Ar.R. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.06.M.Sc.2007.Ar.R.

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Immuning wireless ad HOC networks against the wormhole attack / Marianne Amir Azer ; Supervised Abdelwahab Fayez Hassan , Magdy Said Elsoudani , Sherif Mohamed Elkassas by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Marianne Amir Azer , 2009
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electronics and Communication
Other title:
  • تحصين الشبكات اللاسلكية ذاتية التنظيم ضد الهجوم الدودي
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.08.Ph.D.2009.Ma.I. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.08.Ph.D.2009.Ma.I.

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Solf coordinating localized fair queueing in wireless Ad-hoc networks / Rehab Samir Ahmed Riad ; Supervised Imane Aly Saroit Ismail by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Rehab Samir Ahmed Riad , 2008
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Computers and information - Department of Information Technology
Other title:
  • النسيق الذاتى للإصطفاف العادل لشبكات أد-هوك اللاسلكية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.20.01.M.Sc.2008.Re.S. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.20.01.M.Sc.2008.Re.S.

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A new model for solving multicasting problems in military applications / Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim ; Supervised Ali Ali Fahmy , Mohamed Hashem Abdelaziz , Fathy Ahmed Elsayed Amer by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim , 2010
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Computers and Information - Department of Computer Science
Other title:
  • نموذج جديد لحل مشكلات النقل المتعدد للبيانات في التطبيقات العسكرية
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.20.03.Ph.D.2010.Ah.N. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.20.03.Ph.D.2010.Ah.N.

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A new cross layer based routing for mobile Ad Hoc networks using forwarding node selection / Abdulmalek Abduljabbar Saeed Alqobaty ; Supervised Samir I. Shaheen by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized;
Language: English
Publication details: Cairo : Abdulmalek Abduljabbar Saeed Alqobaty , 2013
Dissertation note: Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Computer Engineering
Other title:
  • طريقة جديدة مبنية على النقل اللانظامى بين الطبقات لتوجيه طلبات المسار فى الشبكات اللاسلكية المتحركة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.06.Ph.D.2013.Ab.N. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.06.Ph.D.2013.Ab.N.

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Enhanced energy aware AODV Routing protocol in ad Hoc Networks / Mohamad Ali Alrefaay ; Supervised Samir Ibrahim Shaheen by
Language: Eng
Publication details: Cairo : Mohamad Ali Alrefaay , 2005
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Computer Engineering
Other title:
  • تحسين اداء بروتوكول متجه المسافة لتحديد المسار باستخدام طريقة تعتمد على الطاقة المتبقية فى عقد الشبكات اللاسلكية المتحركة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.06.M.Sc.2005.Mo.E. مخـــزن الرســائل الجـــامعية - البدروم: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.13.06.M.Sc.2005.Mo.E.

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An Improved Approach for Relative Positioning in Mobile Vehicle Ad Hoc Networks using Soft Computing / Walaa Abd El aal Farag Afifi ; Hesham Ahmed Hefny, Nagy Ramadan Darwish. by
Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction
Publication details: 2022
Dissertation note: Thesis (M.Sc.)-Cairo University,2022. Thesis (Ph.D)-Cairo University,2022.
Other title:
  • اسلوب محسن لتحديد المواقع النسبية فى شبكات الاتصال المتنقلة للمركبات باستخدام الحوسبة الناعمة
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: قاعة الرسائل الجامعية - الدور الاول: Not for loan (1)Location, call number: Cai01.18.07.Ph.D.2022.Wa.I.